Saturday, January 3, 2009


Never teach false morality. How exquisitely absurd to teach a girl that beauty is of no value, dress of no use! Beauty is of value – her whole prospects and happiness in life may often depend upon a new gown or a becoming make-up; if she has five grains of common sense, she will find this out. The great thing is to teach a child the great value of a new gown or shirt and a well-made up face or a well-combed hair; and that there must be something better under the make-up than a pretty face, for real happiness. But never sacrifice truth.

In the light of the present financial instability of the country where the exception of the rule is being opulent, what is the Turning-over Ceremony and JS Prom all about?

It is education. Being beautiful is not vanity but the truth; however, a very thin line separates the two and we are well-aware of the demarcation. The Prom is a continuing saga of our struggle to uphold the truth. I may sound so philosophical, so please do forgive me and indulge with me.

A Turning-over Ceremony and JS Prom does not just pay homage to beauty and poise but also to courage, leadership and talents. After all, education is supposed to be the intermarriage of good character, sophistication and survival.

But unfortunately, we do not have the JS Prom anymore for two years now. It is sad, so feast your eyes with some of the most colorful JS Proms the school ever had!


Muhd Aqil@AMZ96 said...

nice blog you have...
Anyway, come to my blog and comment will you...
And tell everyone else...
thank you...

My blog

Muhd Aqil@AMZ96 said...

owh...sure can...
anyway, thank you for the comment...
anyway, where are you from..?