Monday, June 2, 2008


I have once read a line that goes something like, "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." There is no doubt as to the wisdom of this adage. Indeed quality education is expensive. Why should it be?

Quality education, first and foremost, demands quality teaching, and quality teaching in return demands quality teachers. I may be blunt with this but only a few education graduates-elementary or high school-are capable of teaching well. Teachers who have just passed the LET still need to be trained in the art of teaching well. Obviously, trainings for such intent cost some money.

There is also today a "migration" of good teachers abroad in search of that proverbial greener pasture. We cannot blame these teachers. What an ordinary teacher earns today is as much as what a utility worker of any refutable business company takes home for his family. It's sad really. So as for good teachers not to leave school, they should be paid well; thus, the increase in tuition fee.

I just hope that people will also be considerate of the plight of private schools and the reasons why they have to increase the tuition fees.

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